Our Impact

A Home for Every Horse

If your 501 (c)(3) Rescue Organization would like to join the Home for Every Horse Project, contact us today. A Home for Every Horse is proudly sponsored by Purina Horse Feed, Tractor Supply Co., WeatherBeeta and Absorbine.

Since its inception, A Home for Every Horse has helped facilitate the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of numerous equids, embodying Equine Network’s core values of compassion and collaboration. We remain committed to helping those on the front lines of equine rescue care and find forever homes for America’s horses in need. 

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Horses adopted through the A Home For Every Horse program


Rescues currently involved

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Years of helping horses find forever homes

A Home for Every Horse is the result of a partnership between the Equine Network, the largest membership and subscription based equine business in the U.S., and the American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition. The program helps support the rescues to care for any equid and eventually connect rescue horses in need of homes with people looking for horses. In an effort to unite horses and homes, current 501(c)(3) rescue organizations can list their horses for free on Equine.com.

How Donations Help

Our Sponsors

By participating as a sponsor of A Home for Every Horse, sponsors are not only able to help horses that are seeking their forever home, they are also able to involve the consumer market in helping rescue horses around the country.

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